FAQs | MRM Prints

FAQ - Please give this page a read as there's a good chance the answer is within!


Q: Do you offer international shipping?

A: Yes, we ship our products worldwide. We also have a UK reseller, Minifigs UK, if you are in Europe who you can find here. Shipping rates vary depending on the destination, and customers are responsible for any customs fees or taxes that may apply.


Q: Why are the shipping rates so high?

A: Our high shipping rates are due to the use of premium packaging and the extra care we take in ensuring your order arrives in perfect condition. This level of quality comes at a higher cost, but we believe it's worth it to provide you with a premium experience. However, we are in the process of bringing costs down. Thank you for your understanding.


Q: Will you ever reprint a product?

A: No. When a product sells out, it is out. The tier levels indicate how many of a product that may be made.


Q: What do the different tiers mean?

A: The tier levels indicate the minimum and maximum of a product that is produced.

  • Bronze Tier: 61-100
  • Silver Tier: 26-60
  • Gold Tier: 25 or less

The quantity made could be anywhere between the range so don't hesitate to order.


Q: Can you hold my order?

A: No, sorry! Our inventory moves quickly, and we cannot guarantee that the items you want will remain in stock for an extended period of time.


Q: Do you take commissions?

A: No, sorry, we do not. However, we are always open to suggestions. If you have an idea, please feel free to let us know via our contact form.


Q: What is your return policy?

A: We do not accept returns, however, if you find that there is an issue with your order upon delivery, please contact us. 


Q: Are your products safe?

A: Yes, safety is our top priority. All of our products use non-toxic ink and are in compliance with most standards of ABS plastic children's toys.


Q: Can I track my order?

A: Yes, we provide tracking information for all orders. You will receive an email with tracking information once your order has shipped.


Q: How do I contact customer service?

A: You can reach us by email through our website's contact form. We strive to respond to all inquiries within 1-2 business days.